A Deeper Understanding
The first week of orientation has finally come to a close and what a week it has been. A week full of learning and digging deeper to understand to the fullest Hands at Work. We got to experience three very different communities and their CBO's (community based organization) within them. Coming from Zambia to South Africa has taken a bit of adjustment. There are things here in South Africa that are much more stigmatized then they are in Zambia, in terms of health care and a male presence. Male care workers are typically non-exsistent here in South Africa in comparison to Zambia where there are at least 2-3 in every community. The second day we were in a community that is in the Bushbuck Ridge region. There we went on holy home visits in the community. Holy Home Visits are the chance for the care workers to go into the community to visit the children in their homes, and just check up on them and have that opportunity to catch up with the children on what is going on in their lives...