God is Good

Maria* was only 14 years old when her mother passed away in 2006. Tragically only two later later in 2008, her grandmother passed away and a year later her dad. In a span of four years, Maria* had lost three of the people closest to her. The people that should be there to see everything that you do in life, and see who you turn out to be were not. Instead she was an orphan left to care for her brother and sister as an eighteen year old girl. Its under stable to think that after all this trauma that she has endured that she would want nothing to do with caring for the most vulnerable. Its reasonable to think that she would not want to open those old wounds and give of herself. However despite all of these obstacles and wounds, Maria* has made the choice to dedicate her life to serving the most vulnerable children within her community instead of walking away and not looking back. I had the opportunity to sit with Maria* and talk with her about her life for about 45 minutes. Her story i...