Good to be Home

After three intense weeks of travel and moving from one city to the other, I am home. Don't get me wrong, the trip was awesome with lots of laughs, adventure, and interesting situations, and of course many funny comments and questions by yours truly, but it is good to be home. However the trip was fantastic, with many memories made and friends created and strengthened. Over the course of 19 days we saw 11 different cities and spent the nights at 8 different hostels and 1 friends house. We saw everything from castles and cathedrals, to fancy university's in Cambridge as we went along the river in a little punting boat, to the Tower of London, which was both a home and a prison at one point or the other during its course of history. We saw Big Ben, and went to a service at Westminster Abbey which was absolutely incredible. We also arrived just in time to see the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. It was so cool that we were there at the right time. The flag was also ...