Romans 8:31-39
These last few weeks, I've been thinking about my mistakes and my past. I've done and said things that I'm not proud of. I've been feeling a lot of shame and guilt over that. I think somehow I thought that coming back from Africa, I would be perfect. I would have everything figured out and be good to go. However…thats not the case. I came home from Africa completely transformed and a new person but that doesn't make me perfect. I still make mistakes and I still have to kneel before the Father and ask for His forgiveness and thats a hard thing to admit. God never said that He would make me perfect coming back from Africa..what He said is that I was transformed and love by Him Throughout this whole transition, the main thing that God has been revealing to me more and more is that I am His. I am adopted into the family of God and nothing can separate me from the love of God. How amazing and freeing that is? Romans 8:31-39 says, 31 What, then, shall we s...