Inspired but Challenged
I'm going to write this blog post a little bit differently as in I'm not going to write lots. The majority will be pictures with a caption and brief description to give a small picture of my time in Zimbabwe. Enjoy :) On the last Friday of every month, the Hands at Work family travels to one of the communities that we support to participate in something that we call "Community Prayer". This is an opportunity for the family to spend time with the Care Workers in a particular community, encouraging them and praying with them. Hands at Work has recently started helping to care for children in a community called Chinyansunzi, Zimbabwe. It was such a blessing to see many pastors show up from the local church and engage in helping to serve the poorest of the poor around them. It is amazing to see the vision of Hands at Work come to life by having the local church helping care for the most vulnerable within their communities. Gods' hand is surely at work in this new...