
Showing posts from July, 2017

Hope in Darkness

The brokenness that I see in the communities can at times feel overwhelming. It can feel hopeless yet there is such beauty in amongst this brokenness and despair. This beauty is hope. Hope means more than a vague wish that something will happen. it is a sure and confident expectation in God's future faithfulness and presence. Our hope is in Jesus who promised He would not leave us behind as orphans. There is hope in seeing a child smile. There is hope in witnessing the loving exchange between a Care Worker and a child. There is hope in seeing a child with food sticking to their face and hands because it means that their stomach is full. There is hope in seeing people fully and completely surrender their lives to Christ, knowing that He loves them. He sees them. He knows them by name. Jesus Christ is our hope. He is bringing light to the darkness and love to the lost. Through Him we have a hope for the future. We can shine His bright light into situations of despair as we have bee...