This little girl captured the hearts of
every single person in our family while we were in the community.
From the first day in community this little girl
captured my heart ❤️. Initially, she was timid and shy but by the
end of the week she wouldn't let go of my hand unless it was time to skip
rope ❤️
She is so precious and I am so grateful for her
When I saw these kids at the Care Point, I was
reminded of the responsibility that children have in taking care of their
younger siblings. This little girl could not have been more than seven years
old and yet she was taking care of her little brother. Seeing these children
deeply resonated in my heart because as someone who loves playing with
children and has worked with children, the injustice of witnessing children
unable to be children frustrates me. She was unable to play because whatever
the circumstance was she was caring for her little brother.
When I saw this Care Worker holding the
hand of Remember (who I mentioned in my last blog post) I felt my heart leap
for joy. Here was this male middle aged Care Worker going against cultural
norms and holding the hand of a young girl who was desperately sad. It was a
beautifully profound moment that I feel privileged that God allowed me to
Walking through the community with the Care
Workers, who are heroes of faith, is an immense privilege!
Sarah's* story wrecked me. I was angry
and sad because of her life situation that she was forced to grow up in through
no fault of her own. Yet, as I held this little girl sleeping in my lap and I
looked at the open wound on her forehead feeling broken and angry, God reminded
me that these are the children that we are fighting for. These are the lives
that God has called us to advocate and speak on behalf of.
Beautiful Girls!!!! |
I find that whenever I'm in the
community I end up holding a baby but I just cant help it when they are so
Please join me in praying for these children in Zambia and across Africa, committing them to our Heavenly Father!
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