Picture Time :)
I've realized over the last several days that I never posted a blog showing where I actually live. I thought that it was about time for a picture blog with brief captions explaining where I live, who I've met, and what I've seen. I'm excited to give a snapshot of what my life looks like. I've learned a lot over these last 9 months about who I am, my flaws (which at the time was hard, but looking back I'm so happy I learned them - cause now I can grow which is always important), and I'm learning more about my Heavenly Father than I ever thought possible.
I've uploaded some photos of where I live and the people that have so captivated my heart:
I hope that these photos give you a glimpse into what my life looks like in Africa. Although I am not out into community nearly as much; I am out probably twice a month because on the other days I am in the office working with the communications team acting as a voice for the voice-less. It can be hard when you aren't out on a weekly basis, but what I need to remember is that God chose me. He hand-picked me to come and serve here in Africa for a specific reason and even though it is challenging sometimes, I know that I would not be here without God choosing me. I was reminded of that as I read 1 Samuel this morning. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." This was such an encouragement to me this morning. I was hand-picked by my Heavenly Father. Not because of the way that I look, or my skills, but because He wanted me. David was the youngest, yet God chose him. God chose me because He knows my heart. He knows my heart for the broken, the weak, the vulnerable and the dying. It is only through Him that I am here serving and learning ( so much I might add :) ) I feel privileged that He chose me to continue His work with the family in Africa as well as in the International Countries. I am experiencing so much of God's heart for the broken and the poor and I know that He will only continue to show me things and help me grow. I am praying that I will continue to dig deeper into my Father and I would appreciate prayers with me. I want to know more and experience more of my Father. There is a song by Jesus Culture that says "Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain, that I can't control, I want more of you God, I want more of you God." This is prayer for the continuation of my time in Africa. I want more of my Heavenly Father and I am desperate for more. I am praying that God continues to reveal more of Himself and more of His heart. That is my prayer!
I've uploaded some photos of where I live and the people that have so captivated my heart:
I decorated my dresser with pictures from home to make it feel more like home
My view whenever I eat breakfast!
Some of the wonderful children in the community of Share, South Africa
Look at these beauties… So in love!!
Aren't these clouds magnificent?
Silly faces :)
One of the most beautiful girls from Mandlesive, South Africa
Audrey is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. She is the coordinator of the Hazeyview Service Centre and has dedicated her life to serving the most vulnerable. She leads the Service Centre team and is a support and an encouragement to the Care Workers in our communities. Not only that, but she is a voice of wisdom to the Care Workers and to the RST! I absolutely adore her! Doesn't she have the most brilliant smile?
This was taken a Blyde River Canyon. Going to places like this I am amazed at the beauty and the creativity of our Heavenly Father. He creates things that are so unique and astounding. It was a privilege to look out at the creation that was created at the hand of our Father. In the picture is Michelle (US Volunteer, Chris (UK Volunteer), Devon (Canadian Volunteer), and myself.
Isn't this month old baby boy just precious?
I recently did a community stay (which I shared on a previous blog) with Rose* (on the left), Syabonga* (baby), and Prudence* (right). We are standing in front of their home which they so graciously allowed us to stay in with them. I have so much love for this family it can't even be put into words.
A week after we did our community stay we had the opportunity to go back and re-visit our family. Rose* didn't know that we were coming and so we got to surprise the family. When we walked up to the home, Rose* and her mother *Elisa were sitting on the floor; and when she saw us, she rushed up and greeted us with hugs. We spent about an hour with her and then went to visit a few of her friends before making our way back to the Life Centre to go meet up with Prudence* (right) and their nephew Pride* (who lives with them). He wasn't around the morning we left the first time and so we had the opportunity to get a picture with them. It was amazing although leaving them was incredibly hard.
Heather (Canadian Volunteer from the new intake) and myself. I have made such long-lasting friends here it is amazing.
Beans and Pap. It may not look that appealing but it has to be one of the most delicious meals that I have eaten in community.
Boys being silly with our of their Care Workers joining in to have fun as well in the community of Zwelisha, South Africa
Washing the dishes time.
Playing ball with the children from Zwelisha, South Africa
Cebile* and Edzai* from my first community stay. I can hardly wait to see them next week. I will be staying with them for the night and I could not be more excited!!!!!!!
Making silly faces with such a beautiful girl. My heart sings when I get to see her!
Daniel (Australian Volunteer), playing with the children.
Jackie (Kenyan, long term volunteer) and I posing in a selfie :)
I wanted to post a video of the many dances that I have experienced but it would take to long to load - this is Africa after all. But I thought that this photo captured some of what the dancing looks like. It is always full of energy and as much as I like to try and dance, I will never be able to do it like them.
The Care Workers from the community of Zwelisha, South Africa
I had the opportunity to stay with Audrey (mentioned above) and this is where I met this little girl. I have mentioned this girl but wanted to post another picture. I am in love with her and I can't wait until I can hug her again.
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