The Art of Surrender

I realize that I haven't posted anything for over a month and for that I apologize. The reason, if I'm allowed to give one, is that I haven't been sure what to post. As I was thinking I decided that I would share something that I has been challenged with lately and that I had the opportunity to share at one of our weekly meetings last week. 

Last week, Tuesday, I had the privilege of sharing at Ladies Prayer. Ladies Prayer is a time where the ladies come together to share the things that have been on our hearts lately and a time to pray together and bring those things to the foot of the cross. There is a typically one lady that facilitates each week. Anyways, I had the chance to share with the group something that had been on my heart for the last few weeks. I shared about the Art of Surrender. I'm going to share a brief excerpt of what I shared below:

Surrendering is so hard. Every time that I think that I've surrendered my struggles to God, they somehow creep back in and trouble and worry me again, and I have to surrender it once again. It is a daily act that we have to participate in. It can’t just be something that we expect happens. We have to surrender and let God take it. If we hold onto, I personally think that’s dishonoring to God. He wants to take these burdens from us and let us be free.  I think that in this art of surrender we have to trust God that when we do surrender, he has the best plan for us. Surrendering and trusting that God has the best plan is not easy and I don't think that it was meant to be, but I think that when we do surrender, let go, and trust, we will be able to experience his plan to the fullest, but in order to do that we have to jump into the unknown, surrender, and trust that he will catch us. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard and what no human mind conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him.” In a similar way Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” These words in these scriptures are an incredible encouragement to me, as they remind me that God always has the best plan and always want the best for us. 

This is something that God has been continually challenging me with. It can be easy to let ourselves fall into the trap that thinks that we know best, or we have the best plan; when in all reality the only person that does is our Heavenly Father. He knows exactly when we are going to fall, or succeed. He knows every tear, every laugh, every broken heart, before it even comes into the picture.  In the place where I am at, I am continually surrendering my thoughts about the future, leaving the place that I now call home, and worries about trying to find out where I will belong in Canada when so much of my heart is here. It means surrendering everything that I struggle with to Him, knowing that it is a burden that I no longer need to carry. He has paid the price to carry my burdens, my anxieties, and everything else for me. He wants to take our burdens from each one of us. It is what He calls us to do. 

I want to ask us the question. Are there things in our lives that we are holding onto? What are those things that we need to let go of and let God take from us? What is God asking you to surrender that He wants to take from you? I encourage people to take time to sit with their Heavenly Father and ask Him those hard questions. What do you need to let go of? Surrender your burdens to Him and let Him take them and accept the gift of freedom and grace that He gives. 

"So let go, my soul and trust in Him. The waves and wind still know His name. It is well with my soul."- Bethel Music 


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